Submit your paper for upcoming Conference in 2024!

About the Journal of International Business Research and Practice and conference proceedings

The Journal of International Business Research and Practice (JIBRP) is the official publication of the Association of International Business (AIBRP) and is listed in Cabell’s.  Papers are selected through a review process for publication in the JIBRP from amongst papers actually presented at the AIB-Midwest conference.  Authors intending to submit their papers for publication consideration in the JIBRP will have an opportunity to revise their papers after the conference based on feedback/comments received during their presentation.  The deadline for submission* is 30 days after the conclusion of the AIB-Midwest Conference.  Papers received will be subject to another review process and only papers accepted after this review process will be published. The sponsoring association assumes no responsibility for the views expressed by authors whose contributions appear in the JIBRP.  The journal is published once a year.

In addition to the journal, the association also publishes a Conference Proceedings.  All papers are subject to a double-blind review process and those accepted for presentation at the annual AIB-Midwest conference are published (revised and re-submitted based on reviewers’ comments, if applicable) in this Conference Proceedings.  The Conference Proceedings is published once a year and is available to AIB-U.S. Midwest conference participants for a fee (established by MBAA-International) at the time of conference pre-registration.

*Submission Guidelines for Publication Consideration in the Journal of International Business Research and Practice:
1.  Only papers that were presented during the annual AIB-Midwest Conference are eligible to be considered for publication.
2.  Papers must be received by the JIBRP Editor, Dr. Etienne Musonera at, or no later than 30 days after the conclusion of the conference. Submissions are by electronic mail, and the papers sent as email attachments in MS-Word format following the guidelines in (3) below.
3.  Papers must conform to the Instructions for Authors.

Peer Review Process

Papers to the JIBRP can be also selected through a double-blind review process from papers presented at the annual AIBRP conference held in conjunction with the MBAA-International meetings. Authors intending to submit their papers for publication consideration in the JIBRP will have an opportunity to revise their papers after the conference based on feedback and comments received during their presentations.

Papers received will be subject to another review process and only papers accepted after this review process will be published in the JIBRP. The sponsoring association assumes no responsibility for the views expressed by authors whose contributions appear in the JIBRP. This journal is published once a year.

Guidelines for intending authors are posted on the Internet at

The JIBRP Statement of Editorial Policy

The Journal of International Business Research and Practice (JIRBP) is a scholarly-refereed journal. The objectives of the JIRBR are to attract and publish theoretical, conceptual, and empirical manuscripts from both academics and professionals. The JIBRP promotes the advancement, theory, and practice of global business in contemporary research and teaching.

The aims of the JIBRP include:

(1) to disseminate knowledge,

(2) provide a reference in this field, and

(3) facilitate the communication between academics and research experts with business professionals and executives.

Journal of International Business Research and Practice is listed in the CABELL’S DIRECTORY of Refereed Publications and International Standard Book Number: ISBN 13: 978-0-9815910-7-0 ISBN 10: 0-9815910-7-8

The JIBRP is multidisciplinary in scope, and interdisciplinary in content and methodology.
The JIBRP seeks to publish manuscripts with cutting-edge research that breaks new ground. Manuscripts should address real-world phenomena, problems or puzzles. The JIBRP is particularly interested in publishing papers that are constructive in nature, and/or suggest how our established theories or received understandings of issues in international business research and practices can be positively adapted or revised.
The major theme of a The JIBRP paper should highlight the insights that can be derived for the international aspects of business activity as such. Papers in which international business is in the background, or in which international business issues are secondary or peripheral to the main argument being developed, are not suitable for The JIBRP.
The JIBRP is an interdisciplinary journal that welcomes submissions from scholars in business disciplines (e.g., Accounting, marketing, finance, management) and from other disciplines (e.g., economics, political science, social science) if the manuscripts fall within the JIBRP domain statement. The JIBRP also welcomes papers that combine and integrate theories and concepts that are taken from or that can be traced to origins in different disciplines. Moreover, both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies are encouraged, as long as the studies are methodologically rigorous.
Submissions to The JIBRP must follow the journal’s Style Guide, including formatting, length and references. Poorly written or structured papers will be promptly returned to the authors.

Ethical Guidelines for Journal Publication
The publication of articles plays a very important role in the development of a coherent network of knowledge. Thus, it is essential that all editors, authors, and reviewers conduct themselves in accordance with the highest level of professional ethics and standards.
Code of Ethics for Editors
The editors should acknowledge receipt of submitted manuscripts within a week of receipt and ensure an efficient, fair, and timely review process.
The editors should ensure that submitted manuscripts are processed in a confidential manner.
The editors should recuse himself/herself from processing manuscripts if he or she has any conflict of interest with any of the authors’.
The editors have the right to make the final decision on whether to accept or reject a manuscript.
The editors should not use any part of any data or work reported in the unpublished manuscripts in his or her research.
Code of Ethics for Authors
When Author(s) submits a manuscript to The JIBRP, the manuscript must be an original work. The only exception to the “originality” rule is a conference proceedings paper, where the paper is work in progress toward the manuscript submitted to The JIBRP.
Author(s) should not submit concurrent manuscripts to multiple journals. It is also improper for an Author to submit a manuscript describing essentially the same research to more than one place of publication, unless it is a resubmission of a manuscript rejected for or withdrawn from publication.
Author(s) should not submit any paper previously published anywhere to the journals for consideration.
Author(s) should honestly gather and interpret his or her research data. It is recommended that the author should retain such data for any possible use after publication.
Author(s) should indicate explicitly all sources that have supported the research and also declare any conflict(s) of interest.
Author(s) should guarantee that the works submitted are original. If the author(s) has used work and/or words by other researchers, appropriate citations are required. Plagiarism and self-plagiarism that constitute unethical publishing behavior is unacceptable.

  • All work in the manuscript should be appropriately cited. The manuscript should be free of any form of plagiarism, falsification, fabrications, or omission of significant material.
  • If exact sentences that appear in previous work by the author(s) are included in the manuscript, the material must be put in quotation marks and cite appropriately.
  • Self-plagiarism is unacceptable by The JIBRP. Authors should minimize their recycling of previous writings.

Code of Ethics for Reviewers
The reviewer who feels unqualified to review the assigned manuscript or couldn’t meet the deadline for completion of the review should inform the editor and excuse himself/herself from the review process immediately.
The reviewer should recuse himself/herself form reviewing the manuscript if the reviewer has an obvious personal or academic relationship.
The reviewer should not disclose or discuss the manuscript being reviewed with any other people except the editor.
The reviewer should not use any part of the data or work reported in the reviewing manuscript in his or her research.
The reviewer should conduct the review in an objective manner. Personal criticism of the author is inappropriate. The reviewer should express his or her views clearly with supporting arguments.



The Journal of International Business Research and Practice (JIBRP), Volume 16, July 2022

Submit your paper for upcoming Conference in 2024!
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